DishBlog...The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Paris Hilton Could be Picking Up Trash...

If found guilty of driving under the influence, which she will be, Paris could face 6 months in jail and a thousand dollar fine. I really don't want to see her go to jail but some community service would be good, not like she hasn't been through every horrible job imaginable on the Simple Life anyway. The thing about all this is that she just barely blew over; September 7th around 12:30 she blew .08, which is the minimum you can be arrested for in the state of California. I'm not saying that's a fine amount of alcohol to be driving, it's just she was more likely to be driving badly because she was on her cell or looking in the mirror at her hair extensions then she was from being wasted.


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